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Drama Teaching and Learning

As a drama and theatre teacher, my practice centers on engaging students in creative process. Through their performative, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and embodied engagement with drama, students strengthen artistic skills that are useful for lifelong engagement with the art form, forge deeper understandings about themselves and each other and our world, and reflect on the meaning of our work as theatre-makers in our communities.

Click on the links below below to find samples of my lessons and theatre curriculum as well as an overview of my teaching philosophy expressed in goals and methodology for the classroom. The lessons---some of which were were developed and taught in collaboration---are designed for various ages and reflect my current teaching practice.

"I am constantly amazed by the miracle of how thinking (planning) about a dramatic idea can in an instant become that of carrying it into action. There is a world of difference between someone in a class saying, 'Well, they should take all their belongings with them' and saying, 'Let's pack up and leave.' That is the switch I work for, to enable a dramatic expression of ideas to take place."
- Dorothy Heathcote

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